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All About Aquamation

All About Aquamation

Ex-Chf Tech Elec Ged Stoneman served in the RAF for more than 25 years. After leaving, he learnt a new trade as an Irrigation engineer, which has put him into an almost unique position of knowledge when it comes to handling irrigation and electrics, (proving that water and electricity do mix)

In 2004, Ged formed his own irrigation company, and has become very well known and respected within the irrigation industry. He is able to give a unique personal service covering all aspects of domestic, leisure and commercial requirements.
New young blood, in the form of Callum Peterson, joined as an apprentice when he was only 16 in 2011, and is a very sensible, capable lad, now Ged's Chief Right hand Man. Also new in the Office, you will find Kathy who can answer most of your queries, especially account queries.
As a Team, they thoroughly enjoy the challenge of problem solving.

Amongst our regular clients are several major nurseries and Garden Centres, Golf courses, and other Sports venues. Included in these are stately homes, National Trust, and several universities. However, we also work in the private sector, and have completed many small garden (and rooftop) irrigation schemes. This website, however, is about supplying goods to the public, (and companies (apply for trade terms)) for their irrigation needs, at very competitive prices.

All products we supply are professional quality brand name products, not cheap DIY imports,. E.g. Hunter - Espa - Toro - Heron; from outlets like Bosta - Revaho - LS Systems etc. We hope you find our shop of value to you, and look forward to welcoming you as a customer. Call us for a chat.

Ged Stoneman, Aquamation

Irrigation Products, Supplies and Services for England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland

Our customers include such diversity as Osbourne House (Isle of Wight), Swansea Hockey Club, Viking Nurseries (Norfolk), East Grinstead Sports Club, Floranova Ltd, private individuals, nurseries, Bowls greens, and National Trust properties, to name but a few! We offer a friendly, first class service, phone backup and support, as well as a comprehensive explanation of our suggested solutions to your irrigation needs. We also are able to offer installation and monthly servicing of Acid Rigs, of which we are very experienced.

Irrigation Systems

Irrigation Systems

Want to know what our products are used for or unsure what product range you may need?

We will be happy to discuss your needs and explain the different irrigation products and irrigation systems. We have found that the most efficient way to talk to you, is for you to email us at and enter a short note about your particular query. These will be passed onto our expert , who will call you back a.s.a.p. You could also ring the mobile number, on 07909926821. However, because of reception problems, you may not immediately get through. Thank you.